Fighting the coronavirus can put severe strain on a person’s mental health. Frontline workers in healthcare constantly have to deal with challenges of life and death importance. With this in mind, a team of researchers and health experts in South Africa developed an app to help healthcare professionals cope with anxiety and stress. The app connects healthcare workers to information, resources and each other. It recognises the importance of holistic protection.
In today’s episode of Pasha, Professor Ashraf Coovadia and Dr Shaegan Irusen, paediatric specialists at the University of the Witwatersrand, explain how the app works. They emphasise the importance of connecting with people and feeling more in control over an evolving situation.
Photo: “People connecting jigsaw pieces of a head together” By found on Shutterstock
Music “Happy African Village” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.
“Inspiring and Upbeat” by Scott Holmes, found on licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial License..