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Christina Gish Hill

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Iowa State University

Christina Gish Hill focuses her research on American Indian/Native cultures of the Northern Plains and Midwest. Her current research explores of how social relations impact cultural expressions of Native relationships with their landscapes in the face of colonial forces working to disrupt these relationships. In ethnography conducted through out these regions, Native people have reminded her that these landscapes are their home. Gish Hill explores the mechanisms Native people use to continue to assert their relationship with this landscape despite the ruptures created by removal, reservations, assimilation, and development. Her research reveals the varying levels of success that Native people have experienced when articulating their relationships to land through kinship not only with other human beings, but with non-human relatives and the land itself. She has worked on projects related to Native connections to reservation lands, public lands like National Parks, and lands vital to traditional foodways. She is currently writing about Cheyenne and Arapaho perspectives about Mt. Rushmore and Bear Butte within the Black Hills. She is also conducting research about Native nations in the Midwest who are regenerating Native American agricultural practices, particularly the Three Sisters, corn, beans, and squash.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Anthropology, Iowa State University