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Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Management and Centre for Decent Work and Industry, Queensland University of Technology

Melinda Laundon is a postdoctoral research fellow in the QUT School of Management and the Australian Cobotics Centre’s Human-Robot Workforce research program. Her research interests include the impact of technology on work, employee performance and reward, and higher education learning and teaching. Her work is often based on interdisciplinary approaches combining public policy, employment relations theory and learning and development theory. She is the ECR lead of the QUT Centre for Decent Work & Industry’s Sustainable Transitions research theme and a Senior Fellow and Associate Fellow (Indigenous) of the Higher Education Academy. Melinda’s career prior to academia was in the Australian Public Service, most recently as the Australian Research Council’s Assistant Director, Research Performance and Analysis.


  • 2022–2023
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Queensland University of Technology