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Associate Professor of Population and Statistical Genetics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

I am an associate professor at the Hebrew University School of Public Health working in genetics.

I have undergraduate degrees in physics and computer science and PhD in physics from Bar-Ilan University. I was a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University. I started my research group at the Hebrew University in 2015.

My research spans population, statistical, and medical genetics. Current research areas include: genetic risk prediction using polygenic risk scores; technologies for preimplantation genetic testing; genetic genealogy and populations genetics; and genetic variation in founder populations.

I published nearly 50 papers as an independent investigator, including in Science, Cell, Nature Communications, PLOS Genetics, and Genetics in Medicine. I consult to the industry, government, and healthcare systems. I frequently speak and interview about preimplantation genetic testing and population genetics. You can follow me on Twitter for active science communication in my research areas.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of population and statistical genetics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


  • 2010 
    Bar-Ilan University, PhD (physics)