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Articles on Adolf Eichmann

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Author Lily Brett and co-stars of Treasure, Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry. The Conversation, AAP

Lily Brett’s trip to Poland with her Holocaust survivor father inspired her novel, Too Many Men. 25 years later, it’s a film: Treasure

Too Many Men won acclaim for its depiction of a father and daughter and their different emotional responses to the crimes of the past. Tess Scholfield-Peters considers the book’s impact today.
A woman at a Holocaust Memorial Centre in Macedonia looks at portraits of Jewish people killed in the Treblinka Nazi concentration camp. Georgi Licovkski/AAP

Is it time to reconsider the idea of ‘the banality of evil’?

Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was anything but banal. His case is an apt reminder of how evil agents can deflect accountability, denying victims even the thin consolation of the moral high ground.
The bulletproof glass booth in which Adolf Eichmann (pictured) testified during his trial in Jerusalem. Richard Drew/AP

The book that changed me: Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem and the problem of terrifying moral complacency

As a child of Hungarian Jews, reading Eichmann in Jerusalem was a revelation to Peter Christoff. Yet might the ‘Eichmann problem’ of criminal disregard apply, today to those exploiting fossil fuels?

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