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Articles on International affairs

Displaying 1 - 20 of 22 articles

The national flags of some NATO countries fly during an Air Force exercise in Germany on June 11, 2024. Marcus Brandt/picture alliance via Getty Images

Joining NATO binds countries to defend each other – but this commitment is not set in stone

NATO’s treaty has loopholes that give member countries, including the US, power over whether or not they want to intervene in a particular conflict.
Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping (left) and President Jimmy Carter sign papers, including a science and technology agreement, in 1979. Consolidated News Pictures/Archive Photos via Getty Images

The US and China may be ending an agreement on science and technology cooperation − a policy expert explains what this means for research

China’s success in science and technology propelled it to the forefront of many fields. Now, the US wants to pull back from years of intense cooperation.
President Joe Biden meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2021 at the Oval Office. Sarahbeth Maney-Pool/Getty Images

Mr. Modi comes to Washington – The Indian prime minister’s visit could strengthen ties with the US, but also raises some delicate issues

The Biden administration is courting Indian leader Narendra Modi in part to deter China’s rise. But India’s decline in democracy could complicate relations.
A Palestinian protester rests during clashes with Israeli troops after a demonstration against Israel’s settlements, near Nablus, West Bank, June 9, 2023. Alaa Badarneh/EPA

Gareth Evans: the case for recognising Palestine

Australia should recognise the state of Palestine. The legal, moral and political arguments are compelling.
A man reads an Iranian newspaper with a headline in Farsi that says, ‘The night of the end of the JCPOA,’ or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images

Iran and the US appear unlikely to reach a new nuclear deal – leaving everyone more unsafe

A nuclear nonproliferation expert explains why Iran was always unlikely to return to the 2015 international agreement that limited its nuclear weapon development.
Voters follow social distancing measures at the Halifax Convention Centre as they prepare to vote in the federal election in Halifax back in September. This year will bring about a host of significant political issues and events that will impact communities both locally and globally. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan)

Here are some of the political events that will dominate headlines in 2022

International relations, elections, climate change policies and the continuing pandemic are some of the political events to keep an eye out for in the upcoming year.
The first Earth Day in 1972 spurred other countries to support global environmental action. Callista Images/Getty

The first Earth Day was a shot heard around the world

April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which catalyzed action to protect the environment not just in the US but internationally.
A police officer stands guard over the global elites who decided to make the trek to Davos this year. AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Why the Davos elites are still relevant

The high-profile absence of several world leaders including Trump from the World Economic Forum has led some to suggest its influence is in decline. A philosopher who has seen Davos up close disagrees.
The University of California-Mexico Initiative Education Working Group created Project SOL, an online curriculum program that teaches students in their native language. University of California, Riverside

The US and Mexico: Education and understanding

Despite hard work by both governments to overcome mistrust, more is needed to build mutual understanding between Americans and Mexicans. Educational partnerships may hold the answer.

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