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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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A powerful weapon in the fight against terrorism? Shutterstock passport

Removing citizenship will only encourage UK jihadists

In the aftermath of James Foley’s killing and the concern that his killer may be from the UK, the right to British citizenship has been placed firmly at the centre of the debate about modern terrorism…
Where are you going? It doesn’t matter why. miskan

Public backs removing citizenship from Britons fighting abroad – even for a good cause

The UK government is making noises about potentially stripping British people of their citizenship if they join conflicts abroad. But while the proposal is aimed at deterring people from joining Islamic…
Vladimir Putin with Azerbaijani president Ilkham Aliyev (l) and Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan. EPA/Ria Novosti

Nationalism sparks a summer of deadly violence in the Caucasus

The world has been brutally reminded of the unresolved conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, an enclave in the South Caucasus which Armenia and Azerbaijan have locked horns over for more than 25 years. While the…
Salmond’s detractors still think his campaign has the currency blues. BasPhoto

Salmond’s plan B currency alternatives clarify nothing

In the second TV debate between Alistair Darling and Alex Salmond, the currency issue was again to the fore. This was almost inevitable after it was the Scottish first minister’s undoing in the previous…
Clare Balding and Frankie Dettori take the challenge. Anna Gowthorpe/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Ice bucket good, neknomination bad? It’s all just self-promotion

Now that every celebrity under the sun and every Facebook user has posted a video of themselves getting wet, it appears we have reached peak ice bucket. A trend that started as a drive to raise awareness…
So we’re all agreed. Knee jerk is best. John Stillwell/PA Archive/Press Association Images

Basic human rights under threat again in panic to stop UK jihadis

The murder of US journalist James Foley by an Islamic State militant who appears to be British has shocked the world and the UK. This was the most graphic example to date of a UK citizen’s involvement…
Driving ambulances in Belgium: better than knitting at home.

Women volunteers: first to the war zone in 1914

The volunteer is at the heart of British perceptions of the World War I. We are all familiar with images of young men leaving home, standing in long queues at recruiting stations, and being examined by…
Shared parental leave is on its way. Shutterstock pregnant woman

Employers aren’t ready for shared parental leave

New provisions allowing parents to share parental leave come into force in October and December this year. These will be available to parents in England, Scotland and Wales who will give birth to or adopt…
David Cameron puts families first. As long as they’ve got money in the bank. MIgrants' rights network

Family-first’ government tears couples apart with visa rules

David Cameron has pledged to put families at the heart of his government with a focus on policies that help those most in need. But his rhetoric is rank hypocrisy. While the prime minister claims to put…