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Articles on Piracy

Displaying 81 - 84 of 84 articles

Climate researchers hoping to collect monsoonal wind data off the Somali coast have been thwarted. Flickr

Pirates scuttle climate research off Somali coast

Somali pirates roaming the seas in the Gulf of Aden have claimed another victim: climate research. Climate scientists hoping to collect data on monsoonal wind patterns off the Somali coast have been thwarted…
If you download shanties illegally, the iCloud may not float your boat. sean cumiskey

Music pirates won’t rush to iCloud for forgiveness

Some people, including on this site, have suggested there’s a loophole in Apple’s new iCloud that will allow people who illegally download music to somehow “launder” their dirty music files, getting a…
Observers are making a song and dance about potential misuses of the iCloud. Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP

Long John iCloud Silver: has Steve Jobs cleared the decks for pirates?

Was Steve Jobs’announcement of the Apple iCloud yesterday music to your ears? It certainly takes cloud computing a significant distance further along the path of integration. All your devices – PC…

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