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Ethics + Religion – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 226 - 250 of 1680 articles

A relief depicting a row of captives, carved into the Sun Temple at Abu Simbel in Egypt. Richard Maschmeyer/ Design Pics via Getty Images

Dismantling the myth that ancient slavery ‘wasn’t that bad’

There was no one type of slavery in ‘biblical’ or ‘ancient’ societies, given how varied they were. But much of what historians know about slavery during those eras is horrific.
Mount Sinai is mentioned in the second book of the Bible, Exodus, as the site where Moses received his first instruction from God. Pictures From History/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Tourists search for Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia – but does a geographical location for pivotal Bible event even exist?

A scholar of the Hebrew Bible argues that very little is known about the location of Mount Sinai, and it is likely that it was once part of a foundational legend.
American Muslim women on pilgrimage at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina in 2023. Iqbal Akhtar

Women can now undertake Islamic pilgrimages without a male guardian in Saudi Arabia, but that doesn’t mean they’re traveling alone – communities are an important part of the religious experience

A religion scholar argues that the communal nature of Islamic pilgrimage helps worshippers go through a physically demanding schedule and creates camaraderie that continues beyond the pilgrimage.
Panic over supposed ‘super-predator’ teens ended years ago, but its consequences did not. jabejon/iStock via Getty Images Plus

40 years ago, the US started sending more and more kids to prison without hope of release, but today, it’s far more rare – what happened?

Research on developing brains has helped bring about a sea change in attitudes toward juvenile life without parole. But many people who committed crimes as minors are still serving such sentences.
Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple, which has pushed to establish after-school clubs. Josh Reynolds for The Washington Post via Getty Images

How after-school clubs became a new battleground in the Satanic Temple’s push to preserve separation of church and state

The controversial – and often misunderstood – extracurricular groups tend to raise controversy. But under equal access laws, schools can’t discriminate against a club based on its point of view.
The Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, N.Y., where on July 19 and 20, 1848, the first women’s rights conventions in the U.S. were held. Epics/Hulton Archive via Getty Images

175 years ago, the Seneca Falls Convention kicked off the fight for women’s suffrage – an iconic moment deeply shaped by Quaker beliefs on gender and equality

Most of the convention’s core organizers were Quakers. The religious movement’s beliefs about men and women’s equality before God has shaped members’ activism for centuries.
Widespread skepticism toward COVID-19 vaccines took some scientists by surprise. Eric Lee/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Religion shapes vaccine views – but how exactly? Our analysis looks at ideas about God and beliefs about the Bible

Specific beliefs may have more to do with people’s vaccine views than their religious affiliation – but it depends on which vaccine you’re talking about.
Technicians working to destroy the United States’ chemical weapons stockpile at the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot on June 8, 2023, in Pueblo, Colo. AAP Photo/David Zalubowski

Is the US being hypocritical in taking years to destroy its chemical weapons, while condemning other nations for their own chemical weapons programs? A political philosopher weighs in

When it comes to chemical weapons, American condemnation, even if hypocritical, is still valuable.
A few days after successful fertilization, an embryo becomes a rapidly dividing ball of cells called a blastocyst. Juan Gaertner/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Promising assisted reproductive technologies come with ethical, legal and social challenges – a developmental biologist and a bioethicist discuss IVF, abortion and the mice with two dads

Scientists can create viable eggs from two male mice. In the wake of CRISPR controversies and restrictive abortion laws, two experts start a dialogue on ethical research in reproductive biology.
An image of one of the gifts that Prime Minister Modi gave to President Biden – the ‘10 danas,’ or 10 donations – each with a specific symbolism. Newsroom Post Press Release

Modi’s gift of ‘10 danas’ – the 10 donations – to Biden reflects ancient Hindu wisdom and carries a deep symbolism

One of the gifts that Prime Minister Modi gave to President Biden symbolizes the recipient’s having seen 1,000 full moons, implying a long and auspicious life.