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A protester marks the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision anniversary outside the Supreme Court building on June 23, 2023. Associated Press/Nathan Howard

Biden cannot easily make Roe v. Wade federal law, but he could still make it easier to get an abortion

While both Congress and the president have extensive legal powers, they cannot easily change the law to protect abortions under federal law.
Activities that keep you fired up don’t help you turn down your anger. Ray Massey/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Chilling out rather than blowing off steam is a better way to manage anger − new review of 154 studies reveals what works

Activities such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, yoga and meditation help people manage their anger, according to a meta-analysis of studies involving more than 10,000 participants.
Democracy in the U.S. has historically not been available to all. Panacea Doll/iStock / Getty Images Plus

US democracy’s unaddressed flaws undermine Biden’s stand as democracy’s defender − but Trump keeps favoring political violence

There are potential threats to US democracy posed by the choices voters make in this presidential election. But the benefits of American democracy have for centuries been unequally available.
Aedes aegypti, found across much of the U.S., spread Zika, dengue, chikungunya and other viruses. Mailson Pignata/iStock via Getty Images

Female mosquitoes rely on one another to choose the best breeding sites − and with the arrival of spring, they’re already on the hunt

Female mosquitoes don’t want to lay their eggs alone, but they don’t want sites that are too crowded either. Understanding what guides their choice could inform new control strategies.
The for-profit nursing home sector is growing, and it places a premium on cost cutting and big profits, which has led to low staffing and patient neglect and mistreatment. picture alliance via Getty Images

Profits over patients: For-profit nursing home chains are draining resources from care while shifting huge sums to owners’ pockets

Owners of midsize nursing home chains harm the elderly and drain huge sums of money from facilities using opaque accounting practices while government doesn’t do enough to stop it.