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A woman votes in the controversial referendum in Donetsk, Ukraine on Sept. 27, 2022. Stringer/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Russia plans to annex parts of Eastern Ukraine – an Eastern European expert explains 3 key things to know about the regions at stake

While some parts of eastern Ukraine have been under partial Russian control since 2014, other sections continue to fight back. Most residents overall have said they don’t want to be part of Russia.
Women holding up photographs of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini during a demonstration in Arbil, the capital of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region, on Sept. 24, 2022. Safin Hamed/AFP via Getty Images

Iranian women have been rebelling against restrictions since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 – with renewed hope that protests this time will end differently

A scholar of Iranian politics explains how Iranians have organized resistance movements for the past several decades while risking arrest and public flogging.
Around 12 million Americans take out payday loans to help them pay for monthly expenses. andriano_cz/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

We tend to underestimate our future expenses – here’s one way to prevent that

Understanding why people underpredict expenses could help them budget more accurately – and even encourage them to save more money.
A variant of Piezo1 may boost tendon strength and, subsequently, athletic ability. Yellow Dog Productions/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Your mighty tendons help you sprint, jump and move – a genetic mutation in one key protein may increase athletic performance

The discovery of the role that the protein Piezo1 plays in touch and body awareness won the 2021 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. Piezo1 may also be a significant player in motor function.
This Russian short-range cruise missile, the Iskander-K, can carry nuclear warheads for several hundred miles. Russian Defense Ministry Press Service photo via AP

What are tactical nuclear weapons? An international security expert explains and assesses what they mean for the war in Ukraine

Tactical nuclear weapons were designed to be used on the battlefield rather than for strategic defense, but that doesn’t mean there’s a plausible case for using them.
Some areas wouldn’t see immediate effects, and there could be serious consequences. Buda Mendes/Getty Images

Solar geoengineering might work, but local temperatures could keep rising for years

Injecting reflective particles into the atmosphere won’t immediately cool the entire planet. A new study shows how parts of the US, China and Europe might still see temperatures rising a decade later.
Didymos (bottom right) and its smaller moonlet Dimorphos (center) were the targets of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test. NASA/Johns Hopkins APL

NASA crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid – photos show the last moments of the successful DART mission

The Double Asteroid Redirection Test successfully showed that it is possible to crash a spacecraft into a small asteroid. Whether the approach could save Earth from a future threat remains to be seen.
More EV charging hookups in public locations like garages and parking lots would prompt more drivers of color to buy EVs. Extreme Media via Getty Images

People of color are as interested in buying electric cars as white consumers – the biggest obstacle is access to charging

Reducing air pollution from cars and light trucks would pay big health dividends for low-income and minority communities. A new survey shows how to get more drivers of color into electric vehicles.
After a mistake, people may try to correct the error with an intentional wrong judgment, this time in favor of the previously wronged party. Ed Zurga/Getty Images Sport via Getty Images

Two wrongs trying to make a right – makeup calls are common for MLB umpires, financial analysts and probably you

Erroneous calls increase the chances of subsequent calls in favor of the person who was harmed. What drives this behavior, and do people even recognize they’re doing it?