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Fires are increasing in high mountain areas that rarely burned in the past. John McColgan, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Fire Service

Fire danger in the high mountains is intensifying: That’s bad news for humans, treacherous for the environment

Fires here can affect meltwater timing and water quality, worsen erosion that triggers mudslides, and much more, as two scientists explain.
Donald Trump appears in court in New York City, in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg. Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

Donald Trump and the dying art of the courtroom sketch

Whereas ‘the camera sees everything, but captures nothing,’ courtroom artists can channel the emotional highs and lows of a trial through a single image.
Eugene Debs, center, imprisoned at the Atlanta Federal Prison, was notified of his nomination for the presidency on the socialist ticket by a delegation of leading socialists who came from New York to Atlanta. George Rinhart/Corbis via Getty Images

The presidential campaign of Convict 9653

Can you run for president from a prison cell? One man did in the 1920 election and got almost a million votes.
Only 15% of adults in prison have earned a postsecondary degree or certificate – either before or while being incarcerated. Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post via Getty Images

As Second Chance Pell Grant program grows, more incarcerated people can get degrees – but there’s a difference between prison-run and college-run education behind bars

With the expansion of Second Chance Pell grants, more colleges and universities will soon offer degree programs to students in prison.
‘Earthrise,’ a photo of the Earth taken by Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders, Dec. 4, 1968. NASA/Bill Anders via Wikipedia

Will the Earth last forever?

The Earth isn’t permanent, but it was here for four billion years before humans arrived and should be here for several billion more.
Psilocybin and other psychedelics could help patients process the challenges of a cancer diagnosis. Kateryna Kon/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Psychedelics may better treat depression and anxiety symptoms than prescription antidepressants for patients with advanced cancer

Receiving a cancer diagnosis and undergoing cancer treatment can be a traumatizing experience. Psychedelics like LSD, psilocybin and MDMA could help alleviate symptoms from cancer-related PTSD.
A goal of the Texas plaintiffs was to stop the practice of sending abortion medication by mail. Andrii Zorii/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Anti-mifepristone court decisions rely on medical misinformation about abortion and questionable legal reasoning

If the ruling to reverse the use of mifepristone stands, it will not only severely restrict abortion access for women throughout the US – it will have far-reaching effects on health care.