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Articles on African National Congress (ANC)

Displaying 121 - 140 of 457 articles

Debate about SA Reserve Bank’s mandate must be done in a more considered manner, informed by evidence. Shutterstock

Evolution of ANC economic policy sheds light on squabble over the central bank

The debate about the mandate of the South African Reserve Bank must be located within a clearly articulated political vision and social compact on the kind of society South Africans aspire to.
Peter Marais, the Freedom Front Plus’ candidate for Western Cape premier, left, and party leader, Pieter Groenewald. Brendan Magaar/African News Agency(ANA).

The who, why and what of South Africa’s minority Afrikaner party

The FF+‘s constituency is overwhelmingly Afrikaner white Protestants. But, it appears to have made inroads among coloured conservatives.
Are South Africa’s biggest political parties offering anything new to inject much-needed life into the ailing education system? flickr/ GovernmentZA

South Africa’s main parties all have plans for education. What’s missing?

Here’s what researchers found when they assessed the election manifestos of South Africa’s three biggest political parties’ and what they say about education.

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