Perpetrators often utilize the numerous social media, messaging apps, games and forums available online to initiate contact with potential victims. (Shutterstock) March 20, 2023 Protecting children from exploitation means rethinking how we approach online behaviour Jan Kietzmann, University of Victoria and Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull Many children and adolescents fall victim to online exploitation, but there are some steps parents can take to protect their children online.
Shutterstock November 30, 2021 Students who cheat don’t just have to worry about getting caught. They risk blackmail and extortion Kristina Nicholls, Torrens University Australia An estimated one in ten Australian tertiary students have paid a so-called contract cheating service to do their work for them. What most don’t think about is the risk of being blackmailed later.
Tell no one… that we’ve just lost all your data. ALM July 21, 2015 Ashley Madison breach reveals the rise of the moralist hacker Bill Buchanan, Edinburgh Napier University When hackers take down companies in response to their actions, security chiefs need to know what the CEO is saying in public.