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Articles on Brides

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A protest against bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan’s capital, Bishkek, on April 8, 2021, after a young woman abducted for marriage was found dead. Vyacheslav Oseledko/AFP via Getty Images

‘Bride kidnapping’ haunts rural Kyrgyzstan, causing young women to flee their homeland

In rural Kyrgyzstan, 1 in 3 marriages begins with an abduction. Older generations see this as a harmless tradition, but two brides have been killed since 2018. A study finds other problems, too.
Wedding gown bodice, circa 1836. The Ohio State Historic Costume & Textiles Collection

Why do brides wear white?

The tradition of a bride garbed in white weaves through two thousand years of history, influenced by the Romans – and Queen Victoria.

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