Illus_man / Shutterstock
Of the risks posed by AI, overtaking human intelligence isn’t an immediate concern.
What do you owe a faithful android like Data?
Philosophers say now is the time to mull over what qualities should grant an artificially intelligent machine moral standing.
Wu Hong/EPA
Google’s AlphaGo victory over the human world champion shows how far things have come since DeepBlue.
Peter Morgan/Reuters
The in depth story of a student project that paved the way for a society-level shift in how we use computers.
Artificial intelligence can bring many benefits to human gamers.
Sam Jordan Belanger
Twenty years after Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov at chess, artificial intelligence can make games more fun, and perhaps even endlessly enjoyable, if it learns to adapt.
Robots will need to teach themselves.
Robot reading via
We need to do more than teach machines to learn. We need to overcome the barriers that separate machines from us – and us from them.