Unsplash/Sam Moghadam September 6, 2023 Botox and fillers to come under greater scrutiny by the medical regulator. Will it be too little too late? Christopher Rudge, University of Sydney How does the regulator propose to make aesthetic medicine safer for patients, and what problems might lie beyond its reach?
Pexels/Youssef Labib October 13, 2022 COVID or COVID vaccination can cause dermal fillers to swell up Michael Freeman, Bond University A small number of case reports indicate some people who have had dermal filler injections can experience swelling and discomfort after COVID infection or vaccination.
Valua Vitaly/Shutterstock.com September 11, 2018 Cosmetic facial procedures are not risk free – here are some of the most popular Adam Taylor, Lancaster University Even seemingly non-invasive cosmetic facial procedures have their risks.