All is not as it appears on social media. filadendron/E+ via Getty Images June 24, 2020 How fake accounts constantly manipulate what you see on social media – and what you can do about it Jeanna Matthews, Clarkson University A social media researcher explains how bots and sock puppet accounts manipulate and polarize public debate.
A protester is arrested by Capitol Hill Police during the Kavanaugh nomination. AP/Alex Brandon October 31, 2018 Extreme political polarization weakens democracy – can the US avoid that fate? Jennifer Lynn McCoy, Georgia State University A polarized electorate is divided into tribal camps that demonize each other. That’s the setting for the upcoming midterm elections. If the US continues down this path, democracy will suffer.
Politics are creating divides in the office. fizkes/ September 20, 2018 Here’s how Trump-era politics are affecting worker morale – and what managers can do about it Wayne Hochwarter, Florida State University The midterm elections have put America’s political divide front and center, increasingly invading the work space and stressing out employees.