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Articles on Hong Kong BIT

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Attorney-General Nicola Roxon and Health Minister Tanya Plibersek take questions after the High Court decision. AAP/Lukas Coch

Government wins first battle in plain packaging war

The government and health advocates are deservedly celebrating the High Court decision on plain packaging. But tobacco companies have been quick to note that while they’ve lost a key battle, they intend…
The High Court has ruled the enforcing plain packaging is constitutionally legal. AAP/Lukas Coch

The Olive Revolution: Australia’s plain packaging leads the world

After much political debate, the Australian Parliament passed the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 (Cth). Australian legislators, such as Richard di Natale, provided moving accounts for the need for plain…
Australia’s High Court has dismissed the plain tobacco packaging case brought against the government by tobacco companies. TRACEY NEARMY/AAP

Big Tobacco crashes at first legal hurdle on plain packaging

This morning Australia’s High Court dismissed the plain tobacco packaging case brought against the Australian government by the world’s largest tobacco companies. The companies had challenged the government’s…
It appears as though Philip Morris Asia only acquired the Australian companies in order to be able to launch this claim under the Hong Kong BIT. AAP

Big Tobacco vs Australia: Philip Morris scores an own goal

You may have missed it, but the stoush between Big Tobacco and the Australian government over the plain packaging legislation took an odd turn late last year. The government’s response to Philip Morris…

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