A mosaic of the Andromeda Galaxy, compiled from 7,398 exposures taken by the Hubble telescope.
One hundred years ago, one star changed our view of the universe, proving that the Andromeda “nebula” was a galaxy like our Milky Way.
Eight planets, including Earth, revolve around our Sun.
Illustration by Tobias Roetsch/Future Publishing via Getty Images
It all starts with a cloud of gas and dust.
Astronomers have unpacked the mystery of how one star’s death created the nebula NGC3132 – never before seen in such detail.
This cluster of galaxies, called Stephan’s Quintet, is a composite image produced from two cameras aboard the James Webb Space Telescope.
NASA released five new images from the James Webb Space Telescope, revealing incredible details of ancient galaxies, stars and the presence of water in the atmosphere of a distant planet.