Jordi Paps
Senior lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, University of Bristol
Tracie McKinney
Senior Lecturer in Biological Anthropology, University of South Wales
Andrew Hamilton Baird
Professorial fellow, James Cook University
Cristina Guijarro-Clarke
Comparative Genomics Developer, European Bioinformatics Institute
Daniel Lahr
Assistant Professor of Zoology, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Peter Cowman
Senior Research Fellow in Ecosystem Dynamics, James Cook University
Claire Guinat
Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Evolution, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Isabelle Catherine Winder
Senior Lecturer in Zoology, Bangor University
Tom Bridge
Senior Research Fellow, James Cook University and Senior Curator of Corals, Queensland Museum, James Cook University
Matthew Brown
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University
Andrea Quattrini
Research Zoologist and Curator of Corals, Smithsonian Institution
Sarah Nadeau
PhD Student in Computational Evolution, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Etthel Windels
Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Evolution, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Isabel Novick
Doctoral Candidate in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, Boston University
Marilyn J. Roossinck
Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, Penn State