Quantum information theory is the field behind quantum computing, but experts in this field are also applying their way of thinking to some big questions in quantum physics.
A multitude of experiments have shown the mysterious phenomena of quantum mechanics to be how the universe functions. The scientists behind these experiments won the 2022 Nobel Prize in physics.
So far researchers have only been able to control a handful of qubits — the basic units of information in a quantum computer. A new approach could help them control millions at a time.
Einstein was awarded a Nobel prize for his explanation for how light can be described as being made up of individual particles of energy under certain conditions.
For 60 years, physicists thought they knew exactly how coherent a laser could get. Now the ultimate quantum limit to laser coherence has been found, and it’s much much bigger than anybody thought.
We identify an experimental method which could finally reveal whether objects much larger than atoms - such as humans or animals - can exist in several places at once.