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Articles on Russian economy

Displaying 21 - 34 of 34 articles

The Hryvna: a vulnerable currency Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters

Forecast for Ukraine: stormy with rays of sunshine

A year after the Maidan revolution of 2014, Ukraine is at a critical juncture. The conflict with Russia has been escalating. Estimates of casualties exceed 5,000, with some reports putting the number at…
On thin ice: Russia’s economy and its satellite states. Pavel Kazachkov/flickr

The Soviet Union is dead! Long live the Russian economic union

Plummeting oil prices, conflict over Ukraine and the West’s imposition of sanctions have contrived to send the Russian economy into a tailspin. But it is not just Russia that is suffering – the economic…
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande are in Kiev to discuss a peace plan. EPA/Roman Pilipey

Why peace in Ukraine won’t save the Russian economy

Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande’s push for peace in Moscow has helped fuel optimism about the prospects for Russia’s spluttering economy. On the morning of the meeting, the rouble had strengthened…
The first casualty of the Russian rouble crisis. Hint: it’s not Bruce Willis.

Bank bailouts begin as Russia faces biggest challenge to date

The dramatic slide in the value of the rouble has claimed its first banking casualty. Trust Bank is being bailed out by the Russian Central Bank to the tune of US$530m. The emergency liquidity line is…
Russian President Putin blamed the West for his country’s economic troubles and collapsing ruble in a news conference. Reuters

Vladimir Putin and Russia’s incredible shrinking ruble

Russia’s currency is in free fall. Since mid-year, the incredible shrinking ruble has lost close to half its value, and it is anyone’s guess how much further it might go. Whatever happens, the geopolitical…
What doll would you choose? Brandt Luke Zorn

Putin, oil, the ruble and the Russian doll

This week we have witnessed a plunge in the price of oil and the astonishing demise of the ruble. These events provide the basis for a great series of conspiracy theories, the type that readily find an…
Will it put Russia in the black or red? Nata789 via Shutterstock

Huge Russian rate hike plays roulette with the economy

Russia’s Central Bank has raised its key interest rate from 10.5% to 17% in an emergency move that is designed to halt the ongoing collapse of the rouble, which has accelerated in recent weeks. The dramatic…

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