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Articles on S&P

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Will investors continue to give Trump a vote of confidence? Richard Drew/AP Photo

Will the ‘Trump rally’ continue through 2017?

A common Wall Street adage claims: ‘As January goes, so goes the year.’ What does that mean for investors as stocks look set to end President-elect Trump’s first month in office higher?
Australia is one of a small number of countries that enjoy a AAA rating. Image sourced from

Vital Signs: goodbye AAA Australia?

Ratings agency S&P seems unconvinced of the Australian government’s ability to reduce the budget deficit.
Investors around the world use ratings from agencies like S&P, Moody and Fitch to make investment decisions. But if all goes wrong, are the agencies to blame? EPA/Ian Langsdon

Viewpoints: should ratings agencies be responsible for inaccurate ratings?

One of the world’s largest ratings agency, Standard & Poor’s, is back in court appealing the Federal Court’s landmark decision that it was responsible for the losses incurred by 13 New South Wales…
Despite his electoral success earlier this year, WA premier Colin Barnett has suffered a string of economic blows - the latest being a credit rating downgrade and the rejection of his proposed raise in the GST. AAP/Theron Kirkman

GST rebuff and credit downgrade add to Barnett’s annus horribilis

2013 hasn’t been a good year for Western Australian premier Colin Barnett. Standard and Poor’s recent downgrade of his government’s credit rating continues a pattern. It is not an aberration. Barnett’s…

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