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Articles on Total eclipse

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The size of the Moon can be deceptive when viewed from Earth. Flickr/Ovi Gherman

How big is the Moon? Let me compare …

Just 12 people have walked on the Moon and they’ll know better than anyone just how big (or small) the place is. But we can make some comparisons with things on Earth to get a measure of the Moon.
A total solar eclipse will be visible across parts of the United States Aug. 21, treating amateur and professional astronomers alike to sights similar to this NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory ultraviolet image of the moon eclipsing the sun on Jan. 31, 2014. (NASA)

How to safely watch an eclipse: Advice from an astronomer

If you’ve ever wondered why you can look at a solar eclipse and why it can harm your eyes, the answer is in the sun’s rays.

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