At 27, Robyn Davidson trekked through the Australian outback with four camels and a dog. In her long-awaited memoir we come closer to knowing why she made this journey.
In the 19th century, several English women wrote accounts of their world travels. While considered by some as second-rate travellers, they were just as restless as their male contemporaries.
After visiting 72 countries as a travel writer, COVID forced Ben Stubbs to reassess the genre in an age of climate change and mass tourism. It’s time, he says, for a new kind of travel writing.
In 1790, Xavier de Maistre was imprisoned in his house for six weeks, and he took to travel writing about his bedroom. Is this the new coronavirus travel writing?
Profesora y Coordinadora de las Especialidades de Lengua Extranjera y Lengua y Literatura Española en el Máster Universitario de Profesorado de la Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), Universidad Internacional de Valencia