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Voters say Turnbull best to handle tax reform: Newspoll

Malcolm Turnbull and wife Lucy Turnbull watch on during the FIRST Global Robotics Competition in Sydney on Saturday. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Malcolm Turnbull is 20 points ahead of Bill Shorten as the leader more capable of managing tax reform in a Newspoll that has the Coalition slightly improving its two-party position in the past fortnight to lead Labor 51-49%.

The poll shows Turnbull’s satisfaction rating becoming negative in net terms for the first time, but he remains well ahead of Shorten.

Despite the government’s well-publicised problems in getting together a tax package and Labor having extensive policy out, 45% said Turnbull was more capable of managing tax reform while only 25% opted for Shorten. This is a little down from Turnbull’s lead of 48-26% last month on this question. The result comes as the government has indicated that a company tax cut will be given priority over personal income tax cuts in this budget.

Turnbull also had a commanding lead over Shorten as the one more capable of managing the economy – 54-20%.

The Coalition is sitting on a 51-49% two-party lead in this poll, after being level pegging with Labor in the last two Newspolls. Its primary vote is steady on 43%; Labor is down one point to 34%; the Greens are still on 12%.

Satisfaction with Turnbull’s performance has fallen from 44% to 39%; dissatisfaction has climbed from 41% to 44%. His net satisfaction is minus five.

Shorten’s satisfaction is down two points to 28% while his dissatisfaction is down three to 52%, for a net rating of minus 24.

Turnbull strongly leads on better prime minister 52-21%, despite his rating falling three points.

Most people think the government will win the election – 55% predict a Coalition victory, compared with only 25% who think Labor will win.

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