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Artikel-artikel mengenai Data use

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In the face of governmental efforts to dismantle Indigenous agricultural economies, Indigenous communities have made important strides toward food sovereignty. (Shutterstock)

Indigenous food sovereignty requires better and more accurate data collection

A lack of data prevents governments and agri-food organizations from knowing what kinds of supports should be provided to reinvigorate Indigenous agricultural economies.
Congress has asked many questions of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg but has done little to regulate Facebook. AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

3 ways Congress could hold Facebook accountable for its actions

Pressure is mounting on Congress to take action on Facebook. Our panel of experts offers their top priorities: user control of data, banking-like oversight and resources to close the digital divide.
People produce mountains of data every day, but not all data is treated the same under the law. Orbon Alija/E+ via Getty Images

Data privacy laws in the US protect profit but prevent sharing data for public good – people want the opposite

Profit-friendly data privacy laws in the U.S. are out of step with public sentiment and hinder uses the public supports, from reducing opioid overdose deaths to curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.

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