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Ghana Institute of Journalism


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Mpho Molutsi, de la Children’s Radio Foundation, lors d'une émission en direct à Johannesburg. Gulshan Khan/AFP/Getty Images

100 ans de radio en Afrique : de la propagande au pouvoir populaire

Avec une histoire politique tumultueuse, la radio est aujourd'hui la première source d'information en Afrique.
Mpho Molutsi from the Children’s Radio Foundation during a live community broadcast in Johannesburg. Gulshan Khan/AFP/Getty Images

100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power

With a dramatic political history, radio is today the number one source of news in Africa.
Different African countries must come up with home grown solutions to curb misinformation or disinformation. Shutterstock

Spotting hoaxes: how young people in Africa use cues to spot misinformation online

Users do spend some time thinking about whether information is true; the decision to share it (even if it’s fake news) depends on the topic and the type of message.


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