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Nottingham Trent University

Throughout our long history, we have remained true to a mission focused on students’ ambitions and employers’ needs. Today, our close links with employers and strength in employability have gained us a recognised competitive position both nationally and internationally.

Nottingham Trent University is ranked amongst the UK’s greenest universities in the Green League for our environmental commitment. We have 24,000 students and are investing £200 million across our three campuses to create an inspiring learning environment.

Nottingham has a student population of 10% and is the fastest-growing city in the UK for job creation. We are a leading UK university for employability with 95% of our students in employment or further study six months after graduating.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 1030 articles

As libélulas desenvolveram pênis elaborados, com ganchos e chicotes, para desalojar o esperma de machos rivais e embalar o esperma do próprio macho nos cantos mais distantes do trato reprodutivo feminino. Stanislav Judas/Shutterstock

A fascinante vida sexual dos insetos

Você nunca mais verá aranhas e outros insetos da mesma forma.
El cuerpo del líder socialista Giacomo Matteotti es descubierto en las afueras de Roma el 16 de agosto de 1924, dos meses después de su desaparición. Archivio GBB/Alamy

El asesinato de Giacomo Matteotti: la sombra de Mussolini en el caso más tristemente célebre de Italia

Cien años después del asesinato del líder de la oposición italiana, unos documentos guardados durante mucho tiempo en la London School of Economics podrían arrojar nueva luz sobre la implicación de Mussolini en su muerte.
The body of socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti is discovered on the outskirts of Rome on August 16 1924, two months after his disappearance. Archivio GBB/Alamy

The murder of Giacomo Matteotti – reinvestigating Italy’s most infamous cold case

One hundred years after the Italian opposition leader’s murder, documents long locked away at the London School of Economics could shed new light on Mussolini’s involvement in his death


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