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Western Sydney University

Western Sydney University prides itself on challenging the traditional notion of what a university should be. We are deeply embedded in the community and the region we serve – Australia’s fastest growing economy.

Ranked in all major global rankings systems, we are delighted to be ranked the world’s best in the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings.

Assessing universities on their commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Western Sydney University topped the list out of more than 1,400 universities for our work tackling issues like sustainability, climate action, equality, inclusivity and social justice.

Western Sydney University is also a research leader – the result of focused investment in its research strengths and facilities. We see learning and research as connected aspects of the student experience. We work with regional, national and international partners to deliver research that has a positive impact on the economic, social and environmental well-being of our communities.

With a modern outlook, the University has an agile and contemporary take on traditional higher education offerings, affording students, both international and Australian-based, significant advantages and unique opportunities.


Displaying 361 - 380 of 1339 articles

Centrelink queues shocked Australians but long before COVID-19 Western Sydney had job-poor neighbourhoods with very high unemployment rates. Loren Elliott/AAP

Recession will hit job-poor parts of Western Sydney very hard

Western Sydney’s growth-driven boom had ended before COVID-19 hit. Some neighbourhood unemployment rates were 2-3 times the metropolitan average, with female workforce participation as low as 43%.
Up early and home late: that’s the daily routine for hundreds of thousands of commuters out of Western Sydney. Dean Lewins/AAP

Jobs deficit drives army of daily commuters out of Western Sydney

Education fuelled extraordinary growth in Western Sydney’s professional services workforce, but their jobs aren’t local. More than 300,000 commute to work outside the region.
Preventing early skin to skin contact potentially disrupts newborn physiology. John Ryan/Flickr

Separating mothers with COVID-19 from their newborns does more harm than good

The WHO recommends women should be encouraged to breastfeed straight after birth, for both the mothers’s and baby’s health, including increasing baby’s immunity.
Kebijakan menyatukan bayi dan ibu setelah persalinan adalah langkah terbaik untuk menjaga kesehatan ibu dan anak. John Ryan/Flickr

Darurat Covid-19: mengapa pemisahan bayi dari ibu setelah persalinan lebih banyak mudaratnya

Rekomendasi WHO cukup jelas bahwa menyusui harus tetap didukung demi manfaat kesehatan ibu dan bayi, termasuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh bayi.


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