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Articles on Affordable housing

Displaying 101 - 120 of 326 articles

A homeless man sits with his dog as people walk past in Toronto in January 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

What if we treat homelessness like a pandemic?

This approach would cause an outcry, but when it comes to homelessness, addressing only the symptoms has been the norm.
A new Canada-wide survey shows 28 per cent of women-led households struggle with the affordability, suitability or adequacy of their housing. This is almost double the rate of households led by men. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

New data shows that homelessness is a women’s rights issue

Women, girls and gender-diverse people have unique experiences of housing and housing loss.
In raising rents from social to affordable for council tenants, the cost burden for tackling the housing crisis effectively falls on those most in need. Goldstamp | Shutterstock

Affordable housing is a myth that worsens the housing crisis – but there is a fix

The government has long promoted the idea that we can build our way out of the housing crisis. Startling numbers of empty homes suggest the problem isn’t one of scarcity but affordability
A four-year-old girl plays house as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau makes a campaign stop in Mississauga, Ont., where he spoke of his party’s policy on affordable housing. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Federal election 2021: More supply won’t solve Canada’s housing affordability crisis

The fact that Canadian house prices have risen far beyond rental rates tells us that it’s due to financial factors alone — not a lack of supply. House prices are asset prices.
Low-lying communities near rivers and bays face increasing risk of flooding. RoschetzkyIstockPhoto

‘Managed retreat’ done right can reinvent cities so they’re better for everyone – and avoid harm from flooding, heat and fires

Managed retreat doesn’t always mean leaving. It’s about preserving the essential while redesigning communities to be better for everyone. Here’s what that can look like.
A woman is pictured at the window of her west Toronto apartment in March 2020 as her landlord issued eviction notices at the start of the pandemic. Secure and affordable housing is a big concern of those collecting social assistance, whether it was CERB or provincial programs. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

CERB was luxurious compared to provincial social assistance

CERB was a lifeline but no paradise, highlighting the struggles of social assistance recipients to get by on much less.

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