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Amali Lokugamage

Deputy Lead of Clinical and Professional Practice, UCL Medical School, and Honorary Associate Professor, UCL

Amali Lokugamage MBChB, BSc, MSc (Epidemiology), MD, FRCOG, SFHEA is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist and involved in medical education in London, UK. She has over 30 years of experience in the speciality. Her main clinical interests lie in medical gynaecology and general obstetrics with expertise in normalising birth. She has authored a popular book called The Heart in the Womb: An Exploration of the Roots of Human Love and Social Cohesion.

Dr Lokugamage is an internationally invited speaker at many multidisciplinary birth conferences promoting respectful care, dignity and autonomy in maternity services. Her international positions of leadership are: being on the Board of Directors of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Organisation (UN-recognised NGO) and on the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Childbirth. She is an Institute of Leadership and Management NHS Champion for Healthcare Human Rights and is involved in compassion and patient experience projects at her London hospital. Footprints of Birth, a patient experience project that she led was a finalist project in the Patient Experience Network National Awards 2016. She was awarded a UCLMS team Provost Inclusion Award 2020, a UCL Education Award 2019 and was granted a UCL Medical Science Faculty Award.

During the pandemic, she has written articles related to patient experience of long covid.

She has several medical educational leadership roles at University College London Medical School in undergraduate women's health, clinical and professional practice and student support. Her international clinical work has been in cardiothoracic anaesthesia in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1991; research into the treatment of post partum haemorrhage at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 1997- 2001; and Asian Tsunami charitable relief work in Sri Lanka and India 2005 and 2006.


  • –present
    Deputy Lead of Clinical and Professional Practice, UCL Medical School, and Honorary Associate Professor, UCL