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Ana Carolina de Barros

PhD Student in Psychology, Queen's University, Ontario

I'm a first-year PhD student at Queen's, in social-personality psychology. I completed my BA and MA at the University of Saskatchewan, focusing on interactions between positive bisexual identity, microaffirmations, and gender. My main research interests are positive sexual minority identity, gender/sex/uality labels and labelling choices, bisexual representation in media, and mental illness experiences in academia. I work on the board of directors with the Saskatoon Abortion Support Network, and deeply value the interconnections between academia and community. In my free time, I enjoy crafting, aerial dancing, and cuddling with my three cats!


  • 2017–present
    Research assistant, University of Saskatchewan
  • 2020–present
    Research assistant, University of Regina
  • 2022–present
    Research assistant, Queen”s University


  • 2022 
    University of Saskatchewan, Master of Arts in Psychology
  • 2020 
    University of Saskatchewan, Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology


  • 2020
    “Gay now”: Bisexual erasure in supernatural media from 1983 to 2003, Journal of Bisexuality