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Asanda Mtintsilana

Postdoctoral researcher, University of the Witwatersrand

Asanda Mtintsilana earned her PhD in Paediatrics and Child Health in 2021 from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. She also holds an MSc (medicine) from the University of Cape Town. She is currently undertaking a postdoctoral training in Public Health and Epidemiology at the South African Medical Research Council/Wits University Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit (DPHRU). As part of her training, she is conducting research on diverse topics that affect human health and development, including HIV, food insecurity, social vulnerability, and mental health. She also investigates risk factors and putative biological mechanisms implicated in the development of non-communicable diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes in vulnerable groups, especially Black South African women.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral researcher, University of the Witwatersrand


  • 2021 
    University of the Witwatersrand, Public Health and Clinical Medicine