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Associate Professor in Environment, Energy and Resources, UCL

I am a teaching Associate Professor at the UCL, part of the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources. I am also an Associate Director for a sustainability consultancy called Twin and Earth, and an Environmental Assessor with A Greener Festival.

My research interest relate to sustainability, green buildings, green events and energy use in buildings, especially households.

Selected Publications:
Julien, A. and Mackay, C. (2019) ‘Environmentally Sustainable Event Design’, in Antchak, V. and Ramsbottom, O., The Fundamentals of Event Design. Routledge, London.

Zahan, A., Katsarou, S., Julien, A. (2018). Environmental benefits of using cross-laminated timber with hempcrete insulation in buildings. in: Elsharkawy, Heba, Zahiri, Sahar and Clough, Jack (ed.) International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018): Proceedings SDBE. pp. 96-107

Hamilton I., Julien A. (2018). Environmental Masterplanning. in: Mumovic, D., Santamouris, M., A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering: An Integrated Approach to Energy, Health and Operational Performance. Routledge, London.

Julien A. (2014). Rapid Energy Savings in London’s Households to Mitigate an Energy Crisis, PhD Thesis, University College London, UK.

Julien A., Hamilton, I., Croxford, B., (2014). Environmental Masterplanning: Defining an Integrated Approach, In Carmona, M., Explorations in Urban Design, An Urban Design Research Primer, Ashgate, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL, London, pp. pp. 135 – 143.

Darby, S.J., Griffin, P.W., Julien, A., Killip, G., Morton, C., and Summerfield, A. (2014) Demand Reduction - Synthesis of Findings from the UKERC Phase 2 Demand Theme, 2009-2013 (Working Paper). UKERC Report UKERC/WP/ED/2014/001. UKERC: London

Julien A., Barratt M., Croxford B., (2011). Rapid Energy Savings in London’s Households to Mitigate an Energy Crisis, BECC Conference 2011, Washington.

Selected Conferences and Talks:

Conference talk at the RGS-IBG Mid-term Conference 2013: Geographical Transitions, 25-27th March 2013, University of Birmingham, UK

Conference talk at the International Conference on Affordable Sustainable Housing 2013, Procure, Produce, Perform - 7th January 2013, Sheffield School of Architecture (SSoA), UK.

Debate secondment and presentation and for the UKERC Annual Assembly 2011 29 June to 1 July, and 2013 University of Warwick, UK.

Conference talk at the “BECC (Behavior, Energy and Climate Change)” conference, 30 November to 2 December 2011, Washington, USA.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Environmental Design, University of East London