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Professor Emerit, University of Oregon

I teach courses and conduct research on race/ism, sexism/ and the intersections with speciesism - marginalized groups and whether their voices are present or absent in media content. In addition, my research includes psychological analyses of animals who are captive and their re-presentation in mass media content. My most recent book is Seeing Species: Re-presentations of Animals in Media and Popular Culture (2018, Peter Lang).

With a colleague I've created a style guide web site for journalists and others who write about and re-present animals in advertising, films, and news:

My other books are: Media, Minorities, & Meaning: A Critical Introduction and Sexing the Media: How and Why We Do It.

My professional background is in advertising. I have a PhD in Mass Media/Public Communication from the S. I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University and an MA in Ecological Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.


  • –present
    Associate Professor Media & Animal Studies, University of Oregon


  • 1993 
    Syracuse University, PhD/Public Communication