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Academic Lead for Extremism and Counter-Terrorism, Anglia Ruskin University

Elisa is currently the Research Lead on Extremism and Counter-Terrorism at the Policing Institute for the Eastern Region (PIER) at Anglia Ruskin University. Her interest in Counter-Terrorism started in 2009 during her bachelor and continued throughout her academic career. She graduated in Political Sciences cum laude and expanded her research on extremism and anti-radicalisation policies during both her Masters and PhD. She conducted research in different national contexts, including Italy, Egypt, the UK and Australia, where she was awarded her PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Melbourne. Since 2014, Elisa's research focus has shifted on vocal/non-violent extremism and its alleged role as conveyor belt to terrorism. She has conducted first-hand research on this topic, taking the non-violent but extreme Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir as a case study.

Elisa has published extensively on this topic over the years. She is the author of Hizb Ut-Tahrir and the Caliphate: Why the Group is Still Appealing to Muslims in the West (London: Routledge, 2020) and several other pieces including edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters and research papers. Elisa also teaches extremism and counter-terrorism related subjects at both undergraduate and post-graduate level.


  • 2014–2022
    Academic Lead for Extremism and Counter-Terrorism, Anglia Ruskin University