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Research associate, Politics, UCL

Dr Fatemeh Sadeghi is a research associate at TAKHAYYUL, an ERC-funded project at the Institute for Global Prosperity, headed by Dr. Sertaç Sehlikoglu.

Dr Sadeghi's research is on political imagination (takhayyul-e siyasi تخیل سیاسی) as a constellation inspired by theological, historical, and intellectual traditions to make envisioning a different future possible. Focusing mainly on Islam and Iran, she studies underlying cognitive historical procedures enabling the individuals and groups to define their identities by collective fantasies or to fail to do so in an intersubjective and socially constructed conditions. Political imagination is often a creative, cognitive process typically concerned with what is unreal, unknowable, hypothetical, or yet-to be.

Dr Sadeghi is a political scientist specialized in political thought and gender studies. She previously researched on gender ethics in Islamic sharia and Zoroastrianism, gender in nationalism and Islamism, Islamist politics, and Iranian Revolution. She also studied the unveiling campaign of the first Pahlavi Iran and the compulsory hijab of the Islamic Republic. In recent years she worked on the constitutional thought in postrevolutionary Iran.


  • 2020–present
    Adjunct associate, University College London (UCL)


  • 2004 
    Tarbiyyat Modarres University, PhD