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Professor in Perinatal Health, University of Central Lancashire

Gill Thomson is a Professor in Perinatal Health, and leads the Maternal and Infant Nutrition & Nurture (MAINN) research unit at the University of Central Lancashire. Gill has a psychology academic background and has worked within the public, private and voluntary sector. She has been involved in/led on a number of research/evaluation based projects funded by various NHS Trusts, National Institute of Health Research, British Academy, Department of Health, World Health Organisation and third-sector organisations.

Gill's work spans research into psychosocial factors that influence and impact on parents experiences of maternity care including pain relief during labour, care provision for disadvantaged groups, birth trauma, and infant feeding issues and support services. She is also a steering group member of the SCENE (Separation and Closeness Experiences in the Neonatal Environment) international research network that aims to identify, construct, implement and evaluate best practice in supporting physical and emotional closeness during neonatal care. Gill has a particular specialism in qualitative and interpretive phenomenological based research and co-facilitates an annual Hermeneutic Phenomenology Methodology Course & Symposium in collaboration with Professor Susan Crowther from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.


  • –present
    Associate Professor in Perinatal Health, University of Central Lancashire