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Senior Lecturer, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University

Helen received her PhD in International Relations from the University of Queensland. She is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Government and International Relations at Griffith University, and currently an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow.

Helen is a feminist scholar whose work is interested in the politics of children and youth, peace and conflict, and local responses to violence and insecurity. She draws on feminist international relations, critical peace studies, and the sociology of youth to inform her work on representations and participation of children and youth in peace and conflict, everyday approaches to peacebuilding, and local-global relations in peace and security governance. Helen is currently an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow. Her fellowship project examines youth peace advocacy and leadership in the context of the emergent global ‘Youth, Peace and Security Agenda’.


  • –present
    Lecturer, School of Justice, Queensland University of Technology