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PhD student in the school of public health, University of the Witwatersrand

Jennifer Hove is a PhD student in the school of public health at University of Witwatersrand. Her PhD focus is on the role of community participation in improving health- doing research WITH communities not FOR communities, involving them in priority setting, design, and implementation of programs. Her research work is embedded within Agincourt research unit. Her career took a complete shift in 2009 when she moved to South Africa and worked for a Public Health organization where she obtained her MPH. Her quest is to advocate and promote equity in health. Her first degree is in Environmental science honors degree, obtained at Bindura University in Zimbabwe.


  • 2017–2022
    Research Fellow, University of Witwatersrand
  • 2015–2016
    Project Site Manager, Wits health Consortium
  • 2010–2013
    Data Cordninator, Wits Health Consortium