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George A. Weiss University Professor and Director, UPenn Prevention Research Center, University of Pennsylvania

Karen Glanz is George A. Weiss University Professor, Professor of Epidemiology in the Perelman
School of Medicine, Professor of Nursing in the School of Nursing, and Director of the University
of Pennsylvania Prevention Research Center. She is a Senior Fellow of the Leonard Davis
Institute on Health Economics, the Center for Public Health Initiatives, and the Penn Institute for
Urban Research, and a Distinguished Fellow of the Annenberg Public Policy Center. She was
previously at Emory University (2004-2009), the University of Hawaii (1993 to 2004), and Temple
University (1979-1993).

Glanz is a globally influential public health scholar whose research, funded for over $45 million
over the past 25 years, focuses on cancer prevention and control, theories of health behavior,
obesity and the built environment, social and health policy, and new health communication
technologies. Dr. Glanz has conducted descriptive, observational, methodological, intervention,
and dissemination research in skin cancer prevention since 1993.

She has worked on analyses of national surveys of UV exposure and sun protection; developed, analyzed and validated measures and methods of skin cancer prevention research; and led evidence reviews for skin
cancer prevention. Her research and publications about understanding, measuring and improving
healthy food environments, has been widely recognized and replicated. She is a member of the
NHLBI Advisory Council and served on the US Task Force on Community Preventive Services for
10 years.

Dr. Glanz has a long history of leading community-based health research and programs, and
currently serves in several related leadership roles at the University of Pennsylvania. Her
scholarly contributions consist of more than 500 journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Glanz is
senior editor of Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice, a widely
used text now in its fifth edition.

Dr. Glanz has been recognized with local and national awards for her work, including being
elected to membership in the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) [formerly the Institute of
Medicine (IOM)] in 2013. She has served on, presented at, and reviewed report drafts for several
NAM committees in the past 10 years. She is a Fellow of the Society for Behavioral Medicine and
received the Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award.


  • –present
    Professor of Medicine and Nursing and Director, UPenn Prevention Research Center, University of Pennsylvania