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Kiera Brant-Birioukov

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, York University, Canada

Kiera (Kaia’tanó:ron) Brant-Birioukov is a Haudenosaunee (Kanyen’keha:ka) educator and educational theorist from Kenhtè:ke, also known as Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON. She is a certified teacher in Ontario and British Columbia and is committed to ethical Indigenous education across all K-12 and post-secondary classrooms.

Kiera has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals and book chapters on defining reconciliation, teacher education, curriculum renewal, Indigenous resilience, and ethical Indigenous education.

With a focus on community partnerships and knowledge resurgence, Brant-Birioukov draws upon autobiography, language revitalization, curriculum studies, traditional teachings, Creation Stories, and educational theory in her research. Some of her current projects include the repatriation of historical Haudenosaunee stories, artifacts, and journal diaries to communities across the Six Nations Confederacy, as well as collaborating in the knowledge mobilization of Indigenous-Settler food sovereignty through the Earth to Tables Legacies project.


  • 2021–2024
    Assistant Professor, York University