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Assistant Professor of Music and Culture in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media, University of Toronto

Laura Risk is Assistant Professor of Music and Culture in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at the University of Toronto Scarborough, with a graduate cross-appointment at the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto. Her research examines the formation of musical genres and the mechanics of innovation within aural musical communities, with a focus on traditional music from Quebec. More recently, she has been researching the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on musicians and the musical economy. She has published articles in Ethnomusicology, MUSICultures, and Critical Studies in Improvisation, and is co-editor of a recent triple special issue on “Improvisation, Musical Communities, and the COVID-19 Pandemic” for Critical Studies in Improvisation. Her writings have also appeared in The Globe and Mail and Strings Magazine.


  • 2019–present
    Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Scarborough