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Professor, Agricultural Biotechnology, Murdoch University

My first degree was in Natural Sciences, specialising in Biochemistry, at Cambridge University. This was followed by a PhD in Plant Biochemistry at Cambridge University, and Postdoc positions at the University of Missouri, USA (Plant Pathology), and ANU (RSBS, Developmental Biology), then three months with Prof OH Lowrie at Washington University, St Louis, USA (learning microtechniques), and back to the Biochemistry Department at Cambridge University for 3 years. My first established job was as a Senior Scientific Officer at the Welsh Plant Breeding Station (Aberystwyth) as part of the ARC Genetic Manipulation Program, followed by promotion to Principal Scientific Officer at Rothamsted Experimental Station (now Rothamsted Research), as Plant cell Biology Co-ordinator in the Department of Biochemistry. After 8 years in that position I was appointed as Professor of Plant Sciences at Murdoch University in late 1990. I became Foundation Director of WA State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (SABC) in 1993, and my title changed to Professor of Agricultural Biotechnology in 2003.


  • –present
    Professor, Agricultural Biotechnology, Murdoch University