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Associate Professor, Centre for Higher and Adult Education, Stellenbosch University

I am an Associate Professor in Higher and Adult Education at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. I have an interest in and commitment to dialogue and learning.

My research interests include adult education, lifelong learning, dialogue and dialogic pedagogy, emancipatory education and qualitative research. I have been involved in a number of non-governmental organisations concerned with disability and education, early childhood development, and language and education.

Selected publications

Rule, P., Bitzer, E. & Frick, L. (Eds.) (2021), The global scholar: Implications for postgraduate studies and supervision. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media.

Nehal, M. & Rule, P. (2018). Imaginative play and reading development among Grade R learners in KwaZulu-Natal: An ethnographic case study. South African Journal of Childhood Education. 8(1),

Rule, P. & Land, S. (2017). Finding the plot in South African reading education. Reading & Writing, 8(1), a121. rw.v8i1.121

Rule, P. (2017). Nelson Mandela and Dialogic Lifelong Learning. In C. Soudien (ed.), Nelson Mandela: Global Perspectives of his Significance for Education. (pp. 31-44). Rotterdam: Sense.

Naidoo, J. & Rule, P. (2016). Teachers’ subjectivities and emotionality in HIV/AIDS teaching. African Journal of AIDS Research, 15(3): 233–241. doi:10.2989/16085906.2016.1190768

Nuwagaba, E.L. & Rule, P. (2015). Navigating the ethical maze in disability research in an African context. Disability & Society, 30(5): 255-269. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2014.998333

Rule, P. (2015). Dialogue and boundary learning. Rotterdam: Sense.

Rule, P. & John, V. (2011). Your guide to case study research. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Rule, P. (2011). Bakhtin and Freire: Dialogue, dialectic and boundary learning. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 43(9): 924-942. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-5812.2009.00606.x


  • 2002–2017
    Senior lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal


  • 2003 
    University of the Witwatersrand, PhD (Adult Education)

Grants and Contracts

  • 2019
    Associate Professor, Centre for Higher and Adult Education
    Funding Source:
    National Research Foundation