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Assistant Professor in Physiology at Biology Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Andalas University, Universitas Andalas

PhD in Organ and Cellular Physiology (Jichi Medical School, Japan; 2013-2017)

MSc in Biology (Biology Department, Andalas University; 2006-2008)

BSc in Biology (Biology Department, Andalas University, 2001-2005)

Researcher in Metabolic diseases (Focus: obesity, diabetes mellitus and associated diseases)

Current Project:

Elucidating the preventive and ameliorative effects of edible fibers on diet-induced metabolic diseases (Funded by Grant of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, 2019-2021)

Scientific Publication:

Santoso, P., Amelia, A., Rahayu, R. Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) fiber prevents excessive blood glucose and body weight increase without affecting food intake in mice fed with high-sugar diet. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 2019. 6 (2), 222-230

Santoso, P., Nakata, M., Ueta, Y., Yada, T. Suprachiasmatic vasopressin to paraventricular oxytocin neurocircuit in the hypothalamus relays light reception to inhibit feeding behavior. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2018. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00338.2016.

Santoso, P., Yada, T. Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) activates nucleobindin-2/nesfatin-1 (NUCB2/Nesf-1) neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus to suppress feeding. Indonesian-American KAVLI Frontiers of Science Symposium.Ambon, Indonesia, July 19-21, 2017.

Santoso, P. Nakata, M., Shiizaki, K., Boyang, Z., Parmila, K., Otgon-Uul, Z., Hashimoto, K., Satoh, T., Mori, M., Kuro-o. M., Yada, T. Fibroblast growth factor 21, assisted by elevated glucose, activates paraventricular nucleus NUCB2/Nesfatin-1 neurons to produce satiety under fed state. Scientific Reports. 7: 45819. 2017. doi: 10.1038/srep45819.

Santoso, P., Maejima, Y., Kumamoto, K., Takenoshita, S., Shimomura, K. Central action of ELABELA reduced food intake and activates arginine vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. Neuroreport : Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience. 23 (14): 820-826. 2015.

Nakata, M., Gantulga, D., Santoso, P., Boyang, Z., Masuda, C., Mori, M., Okada, T., Yada, T. Paraventricular NUCB2/nesfatin-1 supports oxytocin and vasopressin neurons to control feeding behavior and fluid balance in male mice. Endocrinology. 157(6):2322-32, 2016.

Kurita, H., Xu, KY., Maejima, Y., Nakata, M., Dezaki, K., Santoso, P., Yang, Y., Arai, T., Gantulga, D., Muroya, S., Lefor, AK., Kakei, M., Watanabe, E., Yada, T. Arcuate Na+,K+-ATPase senses systemic energy states and regulates feeding behavior through glucose-inhibited neurons. American Journal of Physiology- Endocrinol Metab. 309:320-333, 2015.

Maejima, Y., Rita, RS., Santoso, P., Aoyama, M., Hiraoka, Y., Nishimori, K., Gantulga, D., Shimomura, K., Yada, T.,: Nasal oxytocin administration reduces food intake without affecting locomotor activity and glycemia with c-Fos induction inlimitied brain area. Neuroendrocrinology 101 (1): 35-44,2015.

Maejima, Y., Sakuma, K., Santoso, P., Gantulga, D., Katsurada, K., Ueta, Y., Hiraoka, Y., Nishimori, K., Tanaka, S., Shimomura, K., Yada, T.,: Oxytocinergic circuit from paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei to arcuate POMC neurons in hypothalamus. FEBS Letters 28:588 (23): 4404-12, 2014.

Uramura, K., Maejima, Y., Shimomura, K., Santoso, P (equally contributed as first author), Katsuda, S., Kobayashi, D., Jodo, E., Kodaira, M., Otgon-Uul, Z., Yang, Y., Sakuma, K., Takigawa, M., Hazama, A., Yada, T.,: Chronic phencyclidine treatment induces long-lasting glutamatergic activation of VTA dopamine neurons. Neuroscience Letters 564/C: 72-77, 2014.

Yanagida, K., Maejima, Y., Santoso, P., Otgon-Uul, Z., Yang, Y., Sakuma, K., Shimomura, K., Yada., T.,: Hexoxamine pathway but not interstitial changes mediates glucotoxicity in pancreatic β-cells as assessed by cytosolic Ca2+ response to glucose. Aging 6 (3): 207-214, 2014.

Santoso, P., Agustien, A. Oxytocin inhibits ghrelin-induced NPY neuron activation in the hypothalamic feeding center arcuate nucleus. Proceeding of The XXIV National Biology Conference Indonesian Society of Biology (PBI), Manado, Indonesia, August 24-26, 2017. pp. 135-142.

Santoso, P. Nesfatin-1 activates Arginine vasopressin neurons in the hypothalamic feeding center paraventricular nucleus. Proceeding of the 4th National Conference on Biodiversity and Tropical Ecology. Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia. September 15-17, 2017. pp. 668-676.

Santoso, P., Nakata, M., Maejima, Y., Shimomura, K., Yada, T. Light regulates feeding via neurocircuit from circadian center vasopressin neurons to feeding center oxytocin neurons in the hypothalamus. The 8th Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, Nagoya, Japan, October 2-3, 2015.

Santoso, P., Maejima, Y., Shimomura, K., Nakata, M., Yada, T. Arginine Vasopressin suppresses feeding and activates PVN Nesfatin-1 and Oxytocin neurons. The 36th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for the study of Obesity. Nagoya, Japan, October 4, 2015 (Journal of Japan Society for the study of obesity, Supplement edition Vol.21, 2015).

Santoso, P., Maejima, Y., Shimomura, K., Yada, T. Oxytocin suppresses ghrelin-induced activation of NPY neurons in the arcuate nucleus. The 35th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for the study of Obesity, Miyazaki, Japan, October 24-25, 2014. (Journal of Japan Society for the study of obesity, Supplement edition Vol.20, 2014).

Santoso, P., Maejima, Y., Shimomura, K., Yada, T. Light regulates feeding behavior via vasopressin to oxytocin circuit in the hypothalamic circadian and feeding centers. Jichi Medical University (JMU) Symposium, Shimotsuke-shi, Japan, September 4-5, 2014.

Santoso, P., Maejima, Y., Shimomura, K., Yada, T. Paraventricular nucleus Nesfatin-1/NUCB2 neurons are regulated by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polipeptidide (PACAP). The 34th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for the study of Obesity, Tokyo, October 11-12, 2013. (Journal of Japan Society for the study of obesity, Supplement edition Vol.19, 2013).


  • 2008–present
    Adjunct assistant professor, Biology Department, Universitas Andalas


  • 2017 
    Jichi Medical University, Japan, Doktor (PhD)

Professional Memberships

  • Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) (2014-now)
  • Japan Society for the study of obesity (JASSO) (2013-now)
  • Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (PBI) (2008-sekarang)


Dosen Berprestasi UNAND 2018, 3rd place in National Short Story Competition , 2015

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