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Raquel Abalo Delgado

Catedrática de Farmacología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

I hold a PhD in Biological Sciences (UCM, 2000). During my PhD research, I became interested in the physiopathology and pharmacology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This has been my main line of research, which I have enthusiastically led at URJC since I joined this institution, in 2000.
I have participated in 31 research projects (5 as Principal Investigator) and 16 research contracts, in all of them, leading the line of research in physiopathology and pharmacology of the GI tract. My main focus has been the preclinical characterization of GI motility alterations associated with cancer chemotherapy, and the effects of cannabinoid agonists/antagonists in them. Our group was the first to characterize the enteric neuropathies occurring as sequelae of cyclic chemotherapy in preclinical models, and to determine the effects of cannabinoid agonists and antagonists to alleviate/prevent the associated GI motility alterations. GI motility alterations associated with aging, obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes and pharmacologic and nutritional therapeutic strategies are also being addressed in our lab. We have developed our own methods to evaluate GI tract motility in experimental animals, which have been adopted by other groups. We are interested in characterizing, using sophisticated computerized methods in collaboration with engineers (fluoroscopy, ultrasound vocalization), subtle alterations of GI motility and visceral sensitivity present in models of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), metabolic syndrome and schizophrenia, and differences associated with gender. I closely collaborate with Dr. Uranga (URJC), Dr. Soto-Montenegro (IiSGM, Madrid), Dr. del Castillo (CIAL-UAM, Madrid), Dr. Fichna (U. Lodz, Poland), Dr. Nurgali (Victoria U., Australia), Dr. Costa and Dr. Brookes (Flinders U., Adelaide, Australia).
I have published 55 articles in indexed journals (>80% as first/last author), 7 articles in non-indexed journals, 10 chapters in national books, 4 chapters in international books, 1 e-book as guest editor for the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology. I have presented 13 invited talks at national (8) and international (5) meetings and 10 talks at different national (4) and international institutions (6). I have supervised 4 PhD theses (2 with European Mention and Doctorate Extraordinary Award), 9 Final Master Assays and 39 Final Degree Assays, and several students from other national and international institutions during their degree practical/predoctoral training in our lab. I have reviewed more than 120 manuscripts in more than 50 indexed journals, 1 international book chapter and 37 research projects for international entities. I am member of the editorial board of the journal Neurogastroenterology and Motility (from May 2018). I was co-director of the Annual Madrid Meeting of Pharmacologists in 2017 (Farmadrid 26).
I am Full professor of Pharmacology (December 2017-), Functional Coordinator of the Area of Pharmacology and Nutrition (January 2018-), and member of the URJC-IQM Commission (June 2018-). I am responsible for the X-ray studies offered by LAFEMEX and director of the High Performance Research Group NeuGut (URJC, 2019-, preliminary acknowledgement). Acknowledged 4 Docentia (last one: 2015-17), 3 5-year teaching (last one: 2010-15) and 3 6-year research (last one: 2011-16) periods.


  • –present
    Catedrática de Farmacología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


  • 2000 
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas