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Lecturer in Psychology and Mental Health, University of Manchester

Dr Sandra Flynn is an experienced researcher in the field of forensic mental health working within the Centre for Mental Health and Safety. As a Lecturer, her passion lies in supporting MSc Forensic Psychology and Mental Health Students develop real world research. Dr Flynn completed both her Masters of Arts and her Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Manchester and an MSc in Investigative Psychology at the University of Huddersfield. Prior to becoming a Lecturer, she contributed extensively to the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health as a Research Fellow and has completed work in this profession for over 20 years. Her research interests include suicide, familial homicide, homicide-suicide and violence by people with mental illness. Her work has centred on improving safety in mental health and criminal justice settings, with a specific focus on suicide prevention.


  • –present
    Lecturer, University of Manchester